Welcome to the 50th year of SAGA!
In October 1975 a group of six friends decided to start a new gay ski club in Los Angeles. They put up fliers, and the first meeting attracted about 20 men. Our first Mammoth trip was that December, and SAGA was off and skiing! After a season of Mammoth and our first trip to Colorado, SAGA held elections to choose an Executive Council, and the club has held annual elections in May ever since.
SAGA’s day-to-day operations are still managed by our Executive Council, elected from the general membership and open to all members in good standing. Our bylaws are available on our website, and meetings of the Executive Council are open to all members to attend.
For our fiftieth year, we have a slate of popular events, starting with social gatherings in Los Angeles and Long Beach in September & October, and our annual holiday party in December.
Ski season kicks off with the first of our drive-up caravans to Mammoth in early January, followed by more Mammoth trips in February, March for gay ski weekend, and April for the Pond Skim event. Don’t miss Aspen Gay Ski week in January, and our trip to Sun Valley (Idaho) in late February.
This year we are also offering two additional ski trips, depending upon interest: an additional trip to Mammoth in late February, and a trip to Steamboat, Colorado at the end of January. If enough people sign up, we will go!
Come ski with us!